
This soap collection’s main ingredient is the organic virgin unrefined shea butter. The high amount of shea butter gives the soaps it’s highly moisturizing ability combating excessively dry skin conditions and restoring the skin barrier. Using this soap will feel like an OASIS in the middle of an arid dry desert providing relief and hydration.

Loaded with vitamins E,A,C,F they work together to create a youthful glowing complexion by promoting circulation, regeneration, and balance. Highly moisturizing and easily absorbed by the skin. Great for all skin types especially for those with sensitive dry skin.

Main Ingredients: Saponified Oils of Raw Shea Butter*, Coconut*, Soybean*/Sunflower*

Product Additives: Raw Sugar*, Sea Salt, Kaolin, Coconut Milk


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This soap collection’s main ingredient is the organic virgin unrefined shea butter. The high amount of shea butter gives the soaps it’s highly moisturizing ability combating excessively dry skin conditions and restoring the skin barrier. Using this soap will feel like an OASIS in the middle of an arid dry desert providing relief and hydration.

Loaded with vitamins E,A,C,F they work together to create a youthful glowing complexion by promoting circulation, regeneration, and balance. Highly moisturizing and easily absorbed by the skin. Great for all skin types especially for those with sensitive dry skin.

Main Ingredients: Saponified Oils of Raw Shea Butter*, Coconut*, Soybean*/Sunflower*

Product Additives: Raw Sugar*, Sea Salt, Kaolin, Coconut Milk


This soap collection’s main ingredient is the organic virgin unrefined shea butter. The high amount of shea butter gives the soaps it’s highly moisturizing ability combating excessively dry skin conditions and restoring the skin barrier. Using this soap will feel like an OASIS in the middle of an arid dry desert providing relief and hydration.

Loaded with vitamins E,A,C,F they work together to create a youthful glowing complexion by promoting circulation, regeneration, and balance. Highly moisturizing and easily absorbed by the skin. Great for all skin types especially for those with sensitive dry skin.

Main Ingredients: Saponified Oils of Raw Shea Butter*, Coconut*, Soybean*/Sunflower*

Product Additives: Raw Sugar*, Sea Salt, Kaolin, Coconut Milk


Essential Oil Properties and benefits

Lavender essential oil: All-purpose essential oil that is moisturizing, soothing, calming, and relaxing. This oil is antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory which can help eliminate irritating skin conditions and injuries. Gentle to use on the most delicate and sensitive skin.

Lemongrass essential oil: Fresh lemon grassy notes of this oil is bright and uplifting yet soothing and calming. It’s anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antibiotic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-mutagenic, and tonic properties will relieve problematic skin and scalp, brighten and tone the complexion, and eliminate body odor.

Sweet orange essential oil: This oil is the essence of the orange peel which can lift your mood as well as your skin. It’s anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties will combat any skin conditions.

Litsea cubeba essential oil: This citrusy spicy fragrant essential oil is great for warding off pesky insects and bugs. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, disinfectant properties not only keeps the bugs away but also helps with keeping oily skin and body odor under control.

Rosemary essential oil: Minty herbal oil that is wonderful for skin and hair. It’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiseptic, and disinfectant properties will eliminate skin and scalp issues. It promotes circulation to the scalp helping hair growth

Peppermint essential oil: The menthol in peppermint essential oil gives this ingredient it's cooling yet calming effect. It will lift and brighten dull-looking skin and hair by increasing circulation and balancing oil production.

Basil essential oil: Warm fresh herbaceous oil known to be great for problematic skin. When used on the skin, Sweet Basil Essential Oil is reputed to nourish, repair, balance, calm, soothe, exfoliate, and brighten the complexion. This natural bug repellant not only repels bugs but it will also combat infections and bacteria that may cause sores and discomfort.

Lime essential oil: Lime essential oil's astringent, antibiotic, and antioxidant properties refines pores, balances oil production, and kills blemish-causing bacteria. This fresh citrusy oil is known for bringing back vitality and youth by promoting cell turnover, diminishing scars, evening out skin tone, and reducing cellulite.

Tea tree essential oil: Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca) is an all-purpose essential oil that can aid in just about any skin, hair, and nail related issues. Its properties are antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and insecticidal.

Eucalyptus essential oil: Blend of camphoraceous scent of fresh minty, herbal, woody, medicinal, and citrusy, this essential oil has so many properties that is known to be beneficial from head to toe. Eucalyptus is a multipurpose essential oil that are antimicrobial, antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and powerful antioxidant properties that provides protection and relief against free radicals and other skin related issues.